
Automatic Build/Test/Package

Requires Conan to be installed.

~/LinuxCanBus$ conan create . testuser/testing

This will provide a static library called libLinuxCanBus.a and header files under a folder called include/LinuxCanBus, available to other Conan packages.

Manual Build

~/LinuxCanBus$ mkdir build
~/LinuxCanBus$ cd build/
~/LinuxCanBus/build$ conan install ..
~/LinuxCanBus/build$ conan build ..

This will build a static library called libLinuxCanBus.a and header files under a folder called include/LinuxCanBus.

Once you have installed LinuxCanBus, go to the Basic Example page to see how to use it!


This documentation was created with sphinx. To build the documentation, first make sure sphinx is installed, and then navigate to the docs/ folder and run:

make html